Wayne Adam

Wayne Adam

Friday, April 27, 2012

Earth Day 2012

Today is Earth Day, a day we have set aside to honor Mother Earth and the enrichment's she gives us, animals, plants, air and water. A day we should  become one with nature, treating her with gentleness and sensitivity that she deserves. But we seem  to take it lightly or dis-regard the notion all together. Our acts on Mother Earth are brutal and unrelenting, slaughter and extinction of  beloved animals, destruction of forests, poisoning of water and air all in the name of  progress and humanity. Do we fail to look at the damage-- barren land, dead seas, stagnant air and rancid water or  are we just uncaring and believe we are far superior and above reproach. And what of  Mother Nature? We call it global warming, the cause of more intensified natural occurrences, storms, volcanoes, tornadoes,etc. I believe it's Mother Nature in her wrath  trying to reclaim what is hers. Maybe we should stide for harmony and balance before its too late.

My poem Thoughts in the Wind is very appropriate for today. I wrote this poem in a park on a very windy day, as I walked, I listened to the wind and constructed this poem. Every time I read it I can feel and hear the wind and rain.  Happy Earth Day.

Thoughts in the Wind
by Wayne Adam

I stand amidst strong winds—
Feel its power

How small man is among nature,
Frail against her elements

Yet, we defile her essence
Air, earth, water,
In progressive plunder

Selfish is our existence,
Slaughtering her children
In incremented extinction

No wonder she lashes back
In unyielding fury,
Reclaiming her possessions

Have we no morals
In raping such beauty.

No stone unturned by
Our iron hands

No water pure from
Our venom

No creature free from
Our stalking

I stand in gentle rain—
Feel its sorrow

Monday, April 16, 2012


Here's an except from my new article on Yggdrasil in Renaissance Magazine
that is now in bookstores and on newsstands. If your into Norse mythology or just curious about Yggdrasil, you will want to read my article.

"Yggdrasil was the great Tree of Life of the Norse people. A gigantic, eternally green Ash tree in the middle of Asgard that covered the entire universe binding the nine worlds, its branches rose above the heavens and its roots buried far into the depths. Yggdrasil had three enormous main roots that ended near an enchanted water source giving it perpetual life. The first rooted to Asgard, the home of the gods and ended near the well of Urd. The second rooted to Jotunhiem, the land of the Giants and ended near the well of Mimir. And the third to Niflhiem, domain of the dead ending near the spring of Hevergelmir..."

Myths, legends and folk lore of ancient cultures helped shaped today's world, they should not be discarded, but remembered for their meaning and connection to the present.

 The past yields to the future, thus the future dissolves into the past.