Today is the first day of Fall, or the Autumn Equinox, like it's sister the Vernal Equinox (Spring), it is when the sun crosses the celestrial equator and day and night are equal lenghts. The Autumn Equinox is known by many names, i.e.,
Elfed, the Cornucopia, Feast of Avilon, Festival of Dionysus, Night of the Hunter, Wine Harvest, and Witch's Thanksgiving. In druidism, it was called Alban Elfed ( Light of the Water), Mabon, it was the Second Harvest and the beginning of the dark half of the lunar year. A time of the Wine Moon and the Crone aspect of the Triple Goddess. Upon this equinox, the last corn sheaf or stock harvested was woven into the figure of a man/women, then dressed in fine clothes and burned in the fields to release the corn spirit.
Wicker Man
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To commemorate this day I have written this poem.
Mother Earth yawns in ready for winter's sleep,
Her children borrow and forage--
the last of harvest's reap
Day no longer than night,
Night no longer than day,
Thus the cycle of Light ends
And Darkness rules the way
All motion slows,
Trees shed their leaves,
Plants wither
Bees die--
In the cooling breeze
Soon Mother Earth will curl
Under winter's blanket of white,
Waiting for renewal,
The beginning of the Light
Welcome to the first day of Autumn.