Wayne Adam

Wayne Adam

Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Year 2016

Oh the joy of a fulfilled life                                                                              
Underneath a lighted sky,
Recalling memories of the year gone by
Time to sing Old Lang Syne
Remember those who passed away
You'll meet with them another day

Rejoice the sun of a brand new day,
Look forward to the days to come
New hopes and dreams will surely come,
All things change as life decrees
Love and peace, prosperity

Joy to the coming year
Good fortune to you
On this New Year

@Wayne Adam 2015

Monday, December 21, 2015

Winter Solstice 2015

Today we cross into the darkness. The days light  is short and night prolongs its shadow marks the start of winter. On this day of the Winter Solstice(Alban Arthan), the sun's light impregnates the earth. The Sun God Mates with the Goddess of the Land conceiving new light and Mother Earth sleeps until the rebirth of light at Litha.
So as we sit under the Rowan, we mourn and let go of that which is finishing or dying, reflecting within our inner darkness and seeking the reality of rebirth of the soul, opening ourselves to a new dawn.                            
We step into the darkness under the Oak Moon. Celebration, reflection, dying and rebirth is our journey's path through the dark half of the year. It is the looking back on the year's events, triumphs and failures, the letting goes of things physical and spiritual that are no longer needed or wanted and the beginning of forming new ideas and desires for the coming new year.

May your journey fulfill your dreams.