December and we've journeyed into the dark half of the year awaiting the entrance of the winter solstice and the Cold Moon (December), also known as the Oak Moon, Moon of Long Nights, Wolf Moon, Holly Moon, and Hunters Moon. The world changes, days become shorter while nights longer and darker as winter hardens its grip, and Mother Earth sleeps, nestled under its blankets. It's the season enchanted by the snow, storm and tree fairies.Symbolized by the trees of Holly and Fir as we prepare for the coming of Yule by cultivating mistletoe.
In the darkness, we relax and reflect on the year taking guidance from the Stag, Swan, Goose, and Wolf. We reflex on our accomplishments and failures looking forward to next year and the rebirth of the sun and our new awareness of life. This is a personal and private time, traditions, good times remembered, people we love, the departed who are deeply missed, and a reevaluation of ourselves. As there is light, darkness will follow, as in nature there is a balance and in December we begin to find the balance in ourselves.
The Healing Power of Tress
The Druid Animal Oracle