Wayne Adam

Wayne Adam

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Litha 2018

We've come to the gateway of Litha or Alban Hefin (Sumner Solstice) where the Holly King begins his waxing reign into the dark of winter after defeating the Oak King who retreats into exile till the Winter Solstice.  Hence, on this celebration of "The Light of Summer," we engage in the ancient rituals of colorful and joyous festivals, women wearing wreaths of flowers and men oak leaves.
Collecting magical herbs of fern, rue, rosemary, St.Johns Wort, Mallows, foxglove, elderflowers, vervain, and yarrow are used for amulets to ward off evil and are hung in doorways for protection. Bonfires light the night sky, where people dance and sing or jump through flames for good fortune, and animals are paraded around the fires to ask for protection and a good harvest.

The Solstice is associated with  Fire which symbolizes, light, transformation, and energy. Fire is the element of strength and protection, it leads us to the purification of  Nature and our Self.

Litha is also one of the Three Spirit Nights of the year upon which the  veil between wolds appears
thin allowing ghosts and faeries to roam among us.

This day honors the sun in all its glory, bask in its warm light and enjoy the beauty of nature on this longest day. Celebrate with song and dance, lite bonfires for good fortune and protection.

May your Litha be bright and blessed,

Wayne the Bard

Monday, June 11, 2018

Renaissance 2018 Role of the Hearld

Don't miss my new article on Heralds in the latest edition of Renaissance Magazine. 
Here is an excerpt for your enjoyment:

" Throughout the Middle Ages Heralds (Heraldry) was a visual constant. From its military roots via symbols, banners, and pendants, it developed alongside Europe’s permeating medieval society. Every facet of medieval society, royalty to clergy to trades bore a herald designating rank, status, family, and profession.

            Origins and the Military

           The exact origins of Heralds are unknown, emerging around the time of the Crusades (12th century).  One of the earliest heralds was Bayeux Tapestry depicting the victory of William I, Duke of Normandy at the Battle of Hasting in 1066. Hence, its military beginnings started with symbols and colors embossed upon shields and progressed with the development of shields and armor, which were used to designate knights’ armies in battle and tournaments.
            Heraldic evolution included:
            Decorative swirling shapes on shields (C. 1066)
            First, wearing a loose-fitting surcoat worn over the hauberk with the knights own distinctive device, the first beginnings of heraldry (C. 1180)
            Increased use of plate armor for protection; smaller shield and the surcoat were reduced to a short, tight-fitting tunic called a jupon, which still displayed the knight’s coat-of-arms (C. 1360)..."

May May your days be bright and your path clear.