Wayne Adam

Wayne Adam

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Samhain 2019

Samhain is a druid holiday respecting the dead. It is when the veil between worlds is at its thinnest and the dead and fairies roam our world. The ancient ritual for Samhain was to light bonfires and dress in costumes to ward off the ghosts.

In today's world, Holloween was created based on this druid holiday. But for those who are still practicing druids, witches, and pagans it is time to lit your bonfires and candles, to leave and extra plate at the dinner table or food and water on your altar for the dead.

In closing, I wish you a joyous Samhain and leave you with a poem I wrote for this night.


Light your bonfires
Strike your candles
                                  Place your water and food                                 
Pictures of the deceased,

In the light of the full moon,
In the blackness of night
As the waters still
And the trees bow
A murder swarms the skies
landing on rooftops,

The veil between worlds thin--
They await the dead,

In the moonlight
In shadows of trees
Under the wing and eyes
Of the Crow and Owl,
They come to your call
Upon this Hallow night.

@Wayne Adam

May your bonfires glow and your candles burn bright on this scared night.