Wayne Adam

Wayne Adam

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Being Published

The ultimate goal of every writer/poet is to be published. It is great feeling to see your work in print and knowing that millions of people will read your words, your thoughts and will benefit from your work. I recently had a poem of mine--Invitation to the Faire--published in Renaissance Magazine, vol. 14 #3, issue #67, page 26 (for anyone interested in reading it).
I went out and bought 12 copies, distributed signed copies to friends and family and made copies to hand out to anyone I meet who shows interest.
Since I attend Renaissance Faires, I will take copies with me and may even request an audience with the Queen and her court for a reading. Why all of this? First, cause it's a great poem. Second, it's a great way to market your work and to spread your name around. Third, it's an exciting time and by doing all of this helps to keep your inspiration and creativity thriving to write more outstanding work.
Any poet knows that it's hard to get their poems published. In my case, I've had a couple poems published in anthologies, but this was my first poem published in a major, largely distributed magazine with a large readership, so you can understand my extreme excitement. Hopefully, my success with inspire other poets to keep writing and submitting, knowing that although the journey is long, there is a place somewhere for your work.

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