Wayne Adam

Wayne Adam

Monday, October 31, 2011


It is "The Day," the end and beginning of the Celtic New Year. The time for mediation in groves of sacred trees,  of self-initiation, of  reconnecting with spirit, appreciating and communicating  with the dead and a recommitment to your spiritual path. It is the holiday of Samhain, also known as, Calan Gaeaf, Hallowmass, All Hallow's Eve, and Halloween. A time of creating sacred space, a circle, within the magic of sacred trees, allowing us to part the thin veil and enter the Otherworld to communicate with the spirits of departed ancestors, friends, family, and animals.

In ancient times, Samhain lasted three days and was considered a celebration of death and rebirth. It encouraged people to do crazy things--cross dressing of men and women, children would knock on neighbor's doors for food or treats, Farmers' gates would be unhinged and left in ditches, and horses were moved to different fields. It is the root of our modern day Halloween. But for those who are more into the deeper meaning, 'The Day" is a source of guidance and inspiration rather than fear, gloom and doom, and all focused on death and rebirth. A shaman's journey to the Otherworld to communicated with departed spirits with the help and guidance of  your own totems, guides or deities (animals, trees, faeries, gods, etc). A self-initiation of the process of death, afterlife and rebirth, in that, death is a step to the afterlife and ultimately rebirth.

Today there are no sacred groves and if no trees are available to conduct your sacred space, you can use candles. Lite them  in the darkness, call the spirit world  and remember your dearly departed and their teachings and legacies. Add an extra setting at your table to invite the spirits to join you and enter the Otherworld in silence.

For me, today I will be scrying for enlightenment, inspiration and messages on my spiritual path.

Happy Halloween for all who read.                                    

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