Wayne Adam

Wayne Adam

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Blessed Litha 2020

 The sun has reached its zenith, creating the longest day, the Summer Solstice, also known as Litha or Alban Hefin. A worshiping of the sun and all of its glory before the days become shorter on their journey toward the Winter solstice.

Litha is a day of sun worship and the Sun God Lugh. Its element is Fire and all of its radiant colors of red, yellow, orange, and gold. A time of celebrating the power of the sun and riches of the earth. Thusly,  it is associated with the male energies and solar influences. Litha is ruled by the Holly King who re-battles and slays his twin, the Oak King.

This day is a festival of the sun which represents light, sight, aspiration, enthusiasm, transformation, and regeneration. A day of homage to nature and life itself. Fire rituals are the order of the day, bonfires, candles, lanterns, and incense.  Go and celebrate the sun and nature. Bask in the light of energy, meditate in the golden glow of its fiery orb.

The fiery orb rises and the Earth bows,
Its radiant light is met with the songs of nature.
Meditate, feel its energy surge through your body and transcend your mind.
The longest day of light, blessed be--Litha!

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